Chinese Roast Duck

The history of the roast duck can be traced back to as early as the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368) when it was listed among the imperial dishes in the Complete Recipes for Dishes and Beverages. In the early 15th century of the Ming Dynasty, Beijing roast duck remained one of the famous dishes on imperial court…

Roasted beef, potatoes & peppers

When I think of  a weekend dinner we used to have as a family at my grandmother’s house, this is it. My mother used to take me and my younger brother there each weekend our whole childhood. I remember playing chess with my grandfather, him teasing me I should start my dinner with Rakija –…

Vegetable chicken curry

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter surrounded by their loved ones. This was the first time I worked on Easter, and had a free Easter Monday when all of my family came over. We made tons of food, so many different dishes and desserts, and had the best time. Mostly I had to play with…

Roasted ribs & vegetable rice

There ain’t nothing like roasted ribs on a hot weekend with friends. Must admit I love preparing them during summer vacation at the seaside, when all of my friends come over and we enjoy them with a couple of cold beers on the terrace in front of the house. Afterwards we go to the beach…

Rump steak & barley

Every time I would leave for a competition in swimming or diving when I was a kid, and then after as a teenager, I would always have a wish which dish my mother would make me when I return home. My competitions were usually out of the city, especially when I started training diving and…

Bacon wrapped & Mozzarella stuffed pork tenderloin

For the last few days I haven’t posted any new recipes, have to admit I spent my time looking for a new job, hanging out with friends and working on some other projects. Honestly I really missed out on writing new posts, editing my recipes and sharing them with all of you wonderful people out…

Raspberry mini pies

How did I ever come up with this recipe? – Have to admit, I really did think up this recipe one day after having coffee with friends and they asking me to prepare something new for a special Birthday party. I had to think up of something accessible to a large crowd of people, but…

Chocolate chestnut cake

Today a friend of mine is celebrating her birthday. As every year I’m planning on making her a cake as a surprise, or some kind of a dessert like cupcakes, but has to be something with chocolate. As she will be reading this post, I have to say I still don’t have an idea what I’m…

Leek stew

Every time my mom made this stew when I was a kid, I would always say “We just had it last week” and the fact was that we had it more then 3 months ago. I wasn’t a stew-lover and I hated it for years to come, but then something changed and I grew to like…

Beef sauce & rice

It’s been about a week now since I started my new Facebook page Recipes by chefkreso. It’s a place where I share all of my new recipes the second I post them here, and where my Instagram posts are also being redirected. I would love it if you’d grab a second and check it out!…

Pumpkin banana pie

Pies have been around for thousands of years, ancient Egyptians made them, Greeks also and Romans probably got them from the Greeks. The first pie recipe was published by the Romans and it was for the Rye-crusted goat cheese and honey pie. It’s interesting how actually the first pies were mostly meat pies, even though…

Pear cheesecake

When preparing a cake I always think of which ingredients and flavours to combine, experimenting in a way and getting a really tasty result. But all cooking is experimenting in a way, either you are repeating someone’s experiment by following their recipe or you are creating yourself a new delicious dish to surprise your guests….